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Schools / Universities

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, schools and universities are starting to incorporate digital twins into their teaching and learning environments. One popular tool that has emerged is Matterport, a 3D imaging and mapping software that allows for the creation of immersive, interactive digital twins of physical spaces.

Here are a few reasons why schools and universities should be using Matterport digital twins:

  1. Enhancing virtual learning experiences: With the ongoing pandemic, many schools and universities have shifted to online learning. Matterport digital twins offer a way to bring physical spaces into the virtual realm, allowing students to explore and engage with them as if they were physically present. For example, a history professor could use a digital twin of a historic building to teach students about the architectural styles and design elements of the time period.
  2. Improving campus tours: Campus tours are an important part of the college decision-making process for many students. Matterport digital twins provide an immersive, interactive way for prospective students and their families to explore campus from anywhere in the world. This can help attract more out-of-state or international students who may not have the resources to visit campus in person.
  3. Streamlining facilities management: Schools and universities have a lot of physical spaces to manage, from classrooms and dormitories to athletic facilities and research labs. Matterport digital twins can help streamline facilities management by providing a detailed, up-to-date map of each space. This can be especially helpful in emergency situations, where first responders may need quick access to information about a building’s layout.

Now that we’ve discussed why schools and universities should be using Matterport digital twins, let’s dive into how to create them:

  1. Scanning the physical space: The first step in creating a Matterport digital twin is scanning the physical space with a 3D camera. This process typically involves walking through the space while capturing hundreds of photos from different angles. These photos are then stitched together using Matterport’s software to create a 3D model.
  2. Editing and enhancing the digital twin: Once the 3D model is created, it can be edited and enhanced in various ways. For example, labels and annotations can be added to specific areas of the digital twin to provide more information. Interactive elements, such as hotspots and videos, can also be added to make the experience more engaging for users.
  3. Sharing the digital twin: Finally, the Matterport digital twin can be shared with others via a link or embedded on a website. This allows for easy access and sharing across different platforms and devices.

In conclusion, Matterport digital twins offer a wide range of benefits for schools and universities, from enhancing virtual learning experiences to improving campus tours and streamlining facilities management. Creating a Matterport digital twin involves scanning the physical space, editing and enhancing the 3D model, and sharing it with others. As technology continues to evolve, it’s likely that digital twins will become an increasingly important tool in education and beyond.