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Auction House

In the world of auction houses, creating a dynamic and immersive experience for bidders is crucial. With the introduction of Matterport digital twins, auction houses now have a new tool at their disposal to create an unforgettable bidding experience.

Why Auction Houses Should Use Matterport Digital Twins
  1. Showcase Auction Items: With Matterport digital twins, auction houses can create a 3D virtual space to showcase their auction items. This allows potential bidders to preview the items and explore them in greater detail before the auction. This can help generate more interest in the items and attract more bidders to the auction.
  2. Provide a Unique Bidding Experience: Matterport digital twins allow auction houses to create a unique and immersive bidding experience. Bidders can virtually walk through the auction house and explore the items up for auction in a way that was previously impossible. This can help create a sense of excitement and anticipation, making the auction more engaging and memorable.
  3. Expand Reach: By creating a digital twin of the auction house, auction houses can expand their reach beyond their physical location. Potential bidders from all over the world can virtually attend the auction and participate in the bidding process. This can help auction houses attract more bidders and increase the competition for the items up for auction.
How Auction Houses Can Use Matterport Digital Twins
  1. Preview Auction Items: Auction houses can use Matterport digital twins to preview items that will be up for auction. This can include high-resolution photos, 3D models, and detailed descriptions of the items. By providing bidders with a more comprehensive preview of the items, auction houses can generate more interest and attract more bidders to the auction.
  2. Create a Virtual Auction Room: Auction houses can use Matterport digital twins to create a virtual auction room. Bidders can virtually walk through the room and see the auction items on display. This can help create a sense of excitement and anticipation, making the auction more engaging and memorable.
  3. Offer Online Bidding: With a Matterport digital twin, auction houses can offer online bidding. Bidders from around the world can log in to the auction platform and participate in the bidding process in real-time. This can help auction houses expand their reach and attract more bidders to the auction.
  4. Create a Digital Archive: Auction houses can use Matterport digital twins to create a digital archive of past auctions. This can include high-resolution photos, 3D models, and detailed descriptions of the items up for auction. This can help auction houses showcase their past successes and attract more bidders to future auctions.

Matterport digital twins offer a range of benefits for auction houses, from showcasing auction items to providing a unique bidding experience and expanding their reach. By creating a virtual auction room, offering online bidding, and creating a digital archive of past auctions, auction houses can leverage Matterport digital twins to attract more bidders and increase the competition for the items up for auction. With technology evolving at a rapid pace, it’s important for auction houses to stay ahead of the curve and adopt new tools that can help them create a memorable and engaging bidding experience.


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